In the past few years, there has been an ever-increasing interest and hype around cold water bathing. This is not in small part due to its recent popularisation by the Dutch ‘Ice Man’, Wim Hof.
But the truth is, Cold Water Immersion (CWI), also known as cryotherapy, has been practiced for thousands of years. The earliest known advocates include Hippocrates, the father of medicine himself, who was more than accustomed to the odd icy dip (for healing and regenerative purposes).

I have to admit, I’ve always shied away from getting into cold water. A mere splash of the stuff would stiffen my whole body, much to the amusement of my young children! However, as a keen amateur athlete, I couldn’t resist testing out the seductive anecdotal claims that elite athletes were increasingly reporting in the glossy sporting magazines, but now also in my own coaching practice. Could CWI really alleviate muscle pain post exercise (aka, ‘the DOMS’!), and are there psychological benefits, too?
I have to admit, I’ve always shied away from getting into cold water. A mere splash of the stuff would stiffen my whole body, much to the amusement of my young children! However, as a keen amateur athlete, I couldn’t resist testing out the seductive anecdotal claims that elite athletes were increasingly reporting in the glossy sporting magazines, but now also in my own coaching practice. Could CWI really alleviate muscle pain post exercise (aka, ‘the DOMS’!), and are there psychological benefits, too?

And so I decided to take the icy plunge!…
Day 1: 1 second
Day 2: 30 seconds
Day 3: 11 minutes !!
As it turns out, I discovered the same truth, and suffered significantly less muscle soreness after exercise. For my fellow geeks — the icy water stimulates a stress response in the brain in an attempt to restore the core body temperature in affected regions. The rush of freshly oxygenated blood quickly flushes away the offending toxins, built-up after strenuous exercise (cold showers have the same effect).
(The psychological benefits)
For those of you that are wondering about my peculiar exposure therapy technique: Once you overcome the initial shock reaction, lasting for around 30 seconds, your body very quickly adapts to the new norm. So the bold jump from 30 seconds on ‘Day 2’, to 11 minutes on ‘Day 3’, is not as extreme as it may first appear (but please don’t tell my kids!).
The benefits of my icy dips clearly didn’t just stop at the physical benefits. To my astonishment, I had very quickly built a resounding resilience while being submerged; and found that I was also enjoying a deep state of serenity and calm in the freezing waters. These psychological and emotional states would endure for a greater part of the same day, as did a heightened sense of focus and awareness. The mental health benefits were indeed palpable!

As a psychologist coach, I simply had to take my next plunge… into the science and research! Surely I was not the only one to experience these profound psychological benefits? And what were the psychological implications for personal and professional development?
To cut a long story short, I was very surprised to learn that the empirical research base is still very much in its infancy, even though I believe the neuropsychological explanations are very clear and compelling. You are very busy people. I will spare you all of the details here, as you will be hungry for the headlines. Here are your two main, chilly take-aways:
Stress Management & Resilience Training
Through repeated exposure to cold water, your body rapidly learns to adapt following the inevitable ‘fight-or-flight’ response, and to quickly regulate your nervous system. This process, called ‘hormesis’, only serves to toughen your body, equipping you to better tolerate pain, manage your emotions, and ultimately increase your resilience.
Energy Enrichment and Mood Enhancement
Ice baths increase the secretion of endorphins (the feel good hormone) and neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine (a natural antidepressant). When released, these two beautiful bedfellows will help regulate energy, focus attention, and increase alertness.

Granted, Cold Water Immersion it’s not for everybody. I was definitely that person! Needless to say, you really should consult your doctor if you have any underlying health conditions that may not agree with CWI (such as high blood pressure). It is also worthy of note that there is some (very limited) research that suggests that it impedes muscle development in strength training if undertaken post-workout.
Am I going to continue with all this chilling craziness?… Absolutely! I’m now a committed chilly dipper! It’s already become of part of my daily routine, that really primes me for optimal performance as a coach. At worst, it soothes my aches and pains post-exercise. At best, besides heightening my own physical and emotional resilience, it can feel positively transcendental, especially when integrated into my mindfulness and breathing practice. I already miss the days I don’t, or can’t, ‘take the plunge’.
And you?
All that said, what are your experiences? I’m currently researching Cold Water Immersion for an upcoming book, and I would love to hear from you.
If you haven’t already, are you not tempted to take a dip? Could it be that I have possibly whet your appetite, if only for the psychological benefits?

About the author
Dr. Matt Shorrock is an authentic leadership and success mindset coach.
Over the past 25 years he has also trained and qualified as a psychotherapist and then as a chartered psychologist, which has equipped him with deep skill sets in coaching mastery.
Moving homes and countries several times throughout his life, and now based in Austria, Europe, Dr. Matt has also cultivated the art of entrepreneurialism, and has successfully built businesses and institutes internationally, specialised in developing personal and professional excellence.
In recent years, Dr. Matt has specialised in ‘deep mentoring’ ethically minded, values-driven business leaders and entrepreneurs to substantially grow their businesses and services aligned with their ‘True North’, so that they can create significantly more impact, freedom and opportunity for themselves and their clients.
Contact: drmatt@themindinstitute.at